It's always a good time to quit smoking.

Quitology™ quit smoking or vaping programs combine data, mobile technology and AI, with a personalized system to help you quit for good.

Personalized quit smoking cessation programs. Quitology™ offers a variety of options from in-person or telemedicine visits, to APP-based systems utilizing wearable sensor technology.
We are rethinking the cessation of tobacco-related products.

We want you to

ASHKICK™ all tobacco & vaping products, quit forever, and become an official ASHKICKER™

of lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking
> 0 %
deaths per year in the US attributed to tobacco use
> 0 K
Deaths per hour in the US due to tobacco
in annual health care costs per year due to tobacco
$ 0 B

At Quitology™ we have designed an intelligent smoking cessation program that utilizes technology, data and AI to help you quit tobacco products.

Quitting smoking will reduce your chance of developing lung cancer emphysema bladder cancer  heart disease premature death colorectal cancer stroke

Quitting smoking can be one of the most difficult, yet rewarding, things a person can do. Most smokers say they would like to quit, and may have tried at least once. Some are successful the first time, but others try a number of times before they finally give up for good.

Learn about different quitting tools and how to use them—like apps and texting programs that provide on-demand 24/7 help. Plan ahead and get tips to create your personalized quit plan and increase your chance of becoming an ASHKICKER and quitting forever.

Seventy percent of smokers would like to quit but only three percent per year are successful without help.

Quitology™ has been available since 2001 dedicated to reduce the burden of tobacco related death and disease, and helping you quit, and quit for good.

From email & text, to our app and online programs, to in office visits and lots of other support, you can choose what's right for you to QUIT smoking or vaping forever.